שְׁאָ֥ר יָשׁ֖וּב

Calendar of Events

2023 – 2024 (5783-5784)

Meetings at 11.15 am for an 11.30 start

All Meetings are held at CHURCH of the NAZARENE, 3 Rannoch Terrace, Edinburgh, EH4 7EX

Sh’ar Yashuv Meeting Dates


8th April (Passover) Barry Barnett

27th May (Shavuot) Jackie Cowan

17th June Mark Surey

15th July Pat Frame (Ezra)

19th August Pastor Fasil Gashaw

16th September (Rosh Hashanah) Emeric Vasvary

30t September (Sukkot)

21st October Eddie Shaw

16th November Angela Thomson

9th December (Hanukah) David Broderick


27th January (Holocaust Memorial) Emeric Vasvary

17th February Guy Walker (Ebenezer)

23rd March (Purim) Barry & Alison Barnett

27th April (Passover) Colin Symes ( it is essential to book your place for Passover)

18th May Mark Surey

15th June (Shavuot) Jacqueline Cowan

17th Jun (Monday) C. I .O. F. C. Heartland “October 7th War. Where does my help come from? ” speaker Shmuel Junger (director) at Church of the Nazarene, 3 Rannoch Terrace, Clermiston, Edinburgh EH47EX at 7.00 pm .

20th July International Christian Embassy Jerusalem ( UK. Day Conference at St Thomas Church, 75-79. Glasgow Rd., Edinburgh EH 12 8LB 10a.m. – 5 p.m. Register @icejuk-eventbrite.co.uk

17th August David Broderick

21st September Guy Walker (Ebenezer)

5th October ( Rosh Hashanah ) John Sode-Woodhead

19th October ( Sukkot) John & Vicky Shanley (Sabra)

16th November Angela Thomson


Rachel Wood 0131 440 2557

Muriel Adam 0131 538 0292 (adam.family@blueyonder.co.uk) mobile 07740 781282